
At 2:17PM on December 6th 1992

a new type of bomb exploded over
the metropolitan area of Japan.

Nine hours later,World War began.

San Francisco,Los Angeles,Washington,DC,New York,Okinawa,Berlin,Hamburg,
Warsaw,London,Birmingham,Paris,New Delhi……

And the world began to rebuild.

NEO-Tokyo City,38years after
World War 3[2030 AD]

コミック: 442ページ
出版社: 講談社 (2004/4/16)
言語: 日本語
ISBN-10: 4063645053
ISBN-13: 978-4063645057
発売日: 2004/4/16
梱包サイズ: 25.8 x 18.8 x 2.8 cm